Shrinkwrap noodles
Horizontal over wrappers, wrap heat shrink film around a forming tube. Product passes through the inside of the tube in a continuous process to sit inside the film. Current practice and technology needs the film to overlap by 20-30mm to create the continuous long seal. A narrower overlap is prone to separation during the shrink process. A wider overlap will create wrinkles making the packaging look unattractive, while adding to the material cost. This problem creates an unnecessary issue for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers.
Applying an electrostatic charge to the film overlap locks the two surfaces together preventing separation. The electrostatic bond between the overlapped surfaces, allows for a much smaller tidier seam of 3- 4mm. As the film shrinks the two overlap edges bond together, producing a tidy edge stitch. This saves a considerable amount of film, making it very ecologically friendly and profitable. The film wrap overlap on the left noodle pot is clearly visible with wrinkles distorting the film surface. The pot on the right shows no visible wrinkles in the film surface, and the overwrap is nearly invisible allowing the graphic designs and marketing message to be seen clearly.
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