Meech Elektrostatik SA

라이너 사이먼 - 미치

라이너 사이먼

Meech Elektrostatik SA(MESA) 총괄 관리자

Rainer는 벨기에 St Vith에 거주하고 있습니다. 2001년 설립 당시 Meech Elektrostatic SA의 총책임자로 임명된 그는 베네룩스, 프랑스, ​​독일 및 스위스에서 Meech 비즈니스 활동을 책임지고 있습니다.

라이너 사이먼에게 연락하기
와 연결하다 Rainer 링크드 인에

Ralph Simon

Area Sales Manager, Southern Germany

Ralph is responsible for sales development and customer service in Southern Germany. Thanks to his technical knowledge, he can assist customers in all aspects. Moreover, the looks after the MESA distributors in France, Benelux and Switzerland.

Contact Ralph Simon
와 연결하다 랄프 링크드 인에

Dominique Stoffels

Area Sales Manager, Northern Germany

Dominique is responsible for sales development and customer service in Northern Germany. Thanks to his technical knowledge, he can assist customers in all aspects. Moreover, the looks after the MESA distributors in France, Benelux and Switzerland.

Contact Dominique Stoffels
와 연결하다 도미니크 링크드 인에

마이클 아르프

기술 관리자

Thanks to his in-depth unparalleled know-how of the industry and the applications, Michael helps the sales managers in many areas. Michael is based in Northern Germany and works closely together with the sales managers.

Contact Michael Arp


Meech Elektrostatik SA

카이저바라케 166 세인트비스 4780 벨기에

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