976-PINSET – Replacement Pin Assemblies

Product Code: 976-PINSET

Replacement pins allow the model 976 pulsed DC bar to be kept in as-new condition.

The pinset is supplied as a bag of 5 green and 5 red replacement pin assemblies for the model 976.

Must Haves
976EX Hazardous Area Pulsed DC Bar

Product Code: 976EX

The Meech Model 976Ex has been designed to extend the benefits of the 976 Pulsed DC system to classified hazardous environments.

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976-PINSET – Replacement Pin Assemblies

Product Code: 976-PINSET

Replacement pins allow the model 976 pulsed DC bar to be kept in as-new condition.

The pinset is supplied as a bag of 5 green and 5 red replacement pin assemblies for the model 976.