JetStream Ionising Air Knife System
Product Code: AJS-I-XXXX-01
The JetStream Ionising Air Knife System incorporates air knives, a blower and twin ionising bars. A high pressure fan unit powers the JetStream, providing air to the unique “Tear Drop” profile, constructed from hard anodised aluminium and stainless steel. The system uses a preset slot in the manifold to direct a precise, high-volume stream of air onto the target. Additionally, the ionising bars generate positive and negative ions, which the JetStream blows onto the surface. As a result, this powerful ionisation neutralises the surface and removes contamination. By using our Ionising Air Knife System instead of compressed air, JetStream not only enhances efficiency but can also reduce operational costs by 70-90%. For solutions in hazardous zones, click here.
The features section below details several advantages that the JetStream system offers over other air blow system styles.
JetStream Ionising Air Knife benefits industries such as Food/Beverage, Composite Material, Plastic Parts, Sheet Glass, Metal and Automotive.
DownloadFeatures & Benefits
Incorporates Meech shockless bars that deliver a balanced, continuous blade of ionised air for totally consistent performance to quickly neutralise static, facilitating easy removal of contamination.
Constructed from hard anodised aluminium and stainless steel, making
it suitable for use in most environments.
Cost efficient compared to compressed air.
Minimises the volume of potentially contaminated ambient air that is entrained by the Air Knife and blown onto the target substrate.
Delivers a clean ionised airflow, essential for optimum cleaning performance.
Ensures even delivery of the airflow along the length of the Air Knife.
Provides both high air pressure and high air volume, key factors in cleaning performance.
Top and end feed Air Knives are available for applications where installation height is restricted (end feed is only available for Air Knives up to 1000mm).
Delivers a uniform, continuous blade of ionised air for consistent performance.
Inlet/outlet blower silencer and acoustic enclosure options to control noise levels to as low as 70dBA.
Unique design characteristics greatly simplifies maintenance procedures.
Technical Characteristics
From 300mm to 3000mm. If a longer Air Knife is required, please contact us.
A905 to power the ionising bars.
Hard-anodised aluminium main body and stainless steel end plates and fixings.
Inlet or inline filtration options, as standard rated to 5 micron.
Anodised aluminium outer with PVC extruded liner and resin potted components.
Inlet/outlet blower silencer and acoustic enclosure options to control noise levels to as low as 70dBA.
Three different types of control systems available. No control, simple control or PLC. The simple control is supplied with on/off/E-stop buttons to control the unit manually. PLC can be integrated with the line to control the blower, ionisation and profiling.
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